Of all the elements of design, color is probably the most challenging to understand. Color originates from a light source that is viewed directly or seen as reflected light. While colors can be displayed in spectrums, prisms, or contrasts, the power of colors is not only in their arrangement, but in the way we perceive them. Want to add depth to your message? The colors you choose can add an extra layer of meaning. Colors Prompt a Specific Response According to Sally Augustin from Psychology Today, research shows that particular colors can prompt measurable responses . Here are the impacts of five particular colors, and how you can use them to your advantage: Green Seeing the color green has been linked to more creative thinking—so greens are good options for pieces featuring innovation, creativity, artistic specialties, or proactive growth. Red People featured in front of red backgrounds are generally seen as more attractive when silhouetted against other colors, so reds are...
Results. Whether it’s weight loss, test scores, or finances, tangible success is the payoff everyone wants. With a limited marketing budget, it’s important for your business to make every penny count. And, according to a 2018 DMA Response Rate Report, direct mail consistently outperforms all digital marketing channels. Direct mail allows readers to comprehend, process, and remember the material more quickly and easily, with postcards and large envelopes eliciting the best overall response. Think about how quickly you process your own mail – ‘bill, letter, junk, ad . . .’ It takes a split second to accept or discard each piece. Postcards put the message front and center as soon as the printed piece hits their hand. When it comes to results, 52.5 percent of potential recipients claim they will read a postcard, whereas a letter-sized envelope will be opened only a third of the time. Postcards get a fairly high response rate – 4.25% – followed by dimensional mailers with 4% and letter...